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Oral communications given in person

  1. J. Chantel, G.M. Manthilake, D. Andrault, D. Novella, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Experimental evidence supports mantle partial melting in the asthenosphere. AGU (American Geophysical Union), San Francisco, USA, December 2016 (invited).

  2. J. Chantel, Z. Jing, M. Xu, T. Yu, Y. Wang,  Sound velocity of iron-phosphorus liquids under planetary core conditions, AGU (American Geophysical Union), San Francisco, USA, December 2016 (invited).

  3. J. Chantel, D. Andrault, D. Novella, G. Manthilake, Y. Wang, Observation in situ de la fusion partielle à HP et HT par interferométrie ultrason, 9e Forum de technologie des Hautes Pressions, La Rochelle, France, October 2014.

  4. J. Chantel, D.J. Frost, W.A. Crichton, Measurement of the elastic properties of materials under elevated conditions using acoustic waves interferometry, 8e Forum de technologie des Hautes Pressions, Enval, France, August 2012.

  5. Invited talk on my PhD research (October 2012) at the LMV (Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans) Clermont-Ferrand, France, to obtain the position I occupied from December 2012 to December 2014.

  6. J. Chantel, W.A. Crichton, D.J. Frost, MHz acoustic waves measurements at extreme conditions, GRS (Gordon Research Seminar), Biddeford, USA, June 2012 (invited).

  7. J. Chantel, D.J. Frost, Vp and Vs measurements of polycrystalline garnet solid solutions to pressures of 16 GPa, c2c Marie Curie meeting, Trondheim, Norway, June 2010.

  8. J. Chantel, M.  Mookherjee, D.J. Frost, Low velocity layer (LVL) in subduction zones: elasticity of lawsonite, AGU (American Geophysical Union), San Francisco, USA, December 2010.

  9. Invited talk on my Master degree research (June 2008) at the BGI (Bayerisches Geoinstitute), Bayreuth, Germany, during which I obtained a Marie Curie Network c2c PhD fellowship.

Poster communications given in person

  1. J. Chantel, Z. Jing, M. Xu, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Détermination du diagramme de phase du système Fe-P: Implications pour la solidification des noyaux planétaires, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France, October 2018.

  2. J. Chantel, Z. Jing, M. Xu, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Pressure dependence of the liquidus and solidus temperatures in the Fe-P binary system determined by in-situ ultrasonics: Implications to the solidification of Fe-P liquids in planetary cores, EMPG (Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry), Clermont-Ferrand, France, June 2018.

  3. S. Merkel, C. Langrand, V. Svitlyk, G. Garbarino, A.D. Rosa, N. Hilairet, , Investigations of high pressure transformation microstructures using multigrain crystallography, EMPG (Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry), Clermont-Ferrand, France, June 2018.

  4. J. Chantel, Z. Jing, M. Xu, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Equation d'état de Fe-P liquide dans les conditions de noyaux planétaires, Rayons X et matière, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, November 2017.

  5. J. Chantel, Z. Jing, M. Xu, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Sound velocity, density, phase diagram and equation of state of iron-phosphorus liquids under planetary core conditions, 47th LPSC (Lunar and Planetary Science Conference), Houston, USA, March 2016.

  6. J. Chantel, Z. Jing, T. Yu, Y. Wang, J. Han, M. Xu, Investigation of Fe-P alloys phase diagram at high pressure and high temperature using ultrasonic interferometry, AGU (American Geophysical Union), San Francisco, USA, December 2015.

  7. J. Chantel, G. Manthilake, D.J. Frost, C. Beyer, Z. Jing, Y. Wang, Elastic wave velocities of polycrystalline Mg3Al2Si3O12 pyrope garnet to 24 GPa and 1300 K, Goldschmidt, Firenze, Italy, July 2013.

  8. J. Chantel, W.A. Crichton, D.J. Frost, MHz acoustic waves measurements at extreme conditions. GRS (Gordon Research Conference), Biddeford, USA, June 2012.

  9. J. Chantel, D.J. Frost, Z. Jing, Y. Wang, Sound velocities of (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite up to 25 GPa and 1200 K, AGU (American Geophysical Union), San Francisco, USA, December 2011.

  10. J. Chantel, D.J. Frost, Measurements of elastic properties of silicates at mantle conditions, ESOF (Euroscience Open Forum), Torino, Italy, July 2010

  11. J. Chantel, D.J. Frost, Vp and Vs measurements of polycrystalline garnet solid solutions to pressures of 16 GPa, XIII EMPG (Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry), Toulouse, France, April 2010.

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